
Orthodox Faith Sunday School

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these” – Matthew 19:14

From its earliest manifestations in rented space and converted stables, Holy Trinity Wilmington’s Orthodox Faith Sunday School has played a fundamental role in introducing and reaffirming the Greek Orthodox Faith and its traditions to thousands of our faithful’s children. Over 100 years ago, in 1923, Reverend Daskalakis gathered school aged children in a building at 9th and Market Streets for the genesis of a religious education program that would become the backbone of a vibrant youth program for a century to follow. In 1939, when the Greek community purchased the Coleman DuPont Estate at 9th and Broom Streets, religious classes were held in the first church building – converted stables that served as a Church, Social Hall, and educational facility while plans for an actual church building were carried out in earnest. And in 1951, when construction was completed on the new Holy Trinity Church, education classes were held in two large rooms behind Altar currently serving as office space and the Philoptochos Agape Room. Finally, in 1978, with the completion of the Hellenic Community Center, religious education classes were given their final and appropriate home in traditional classroom space.

Through these years, the enrollment reflected the growth of the community and the stern determination of early Greek immigrants and future generations to maintain and propagate their faith. Our dedicated teachers organized by their devoted Directors and drawing inspiration from our clergy, have nurtured the program. Over the years, the Sunday School has been led by dedicated laypeople Directors including Demosthenes George (1973), Aristides Zdetsis (1975), Yvonne Vassilatos (1976-77), Presvytera Georgia Rassias (1978-2000), Alex Kopatsis (2001), Helene Krikelis (2002-2003), Presbytera Georgia Christofis (2004-2010), and Amalea Rassias/Maroula Haralambidis (2011-present).

Today, approximately 100 students are enrolled in the program. The Ministry specifically supports other programs such as the St. John the Theologian Archdiocese Oratorical Festival and internal programs such as Great and Holy Friday Retreat and Myrophores, Christmas Pageant, End of the Year trips, and various Feast Day processions.

At its essence, Holy Trinity Wilmington’s Orthodox Faith Sunday School is a continuation of the Divine Liturgy as the children transition from the church to the classrooms and, as a result, the teachers are a necessary extension of our spiritual leader, Father Christoforos. While in class, our children learn about our faith following a curriculum largely set by our Archdiocese to ensure consistency in content regarding our Orthodox Tradition. We hope our children not only become more knowledgeable in our faith, but also understand its indispensable application to their daily lives. The ministry is vital to parish’s perpetuation and for this reason it is imperative parents make every effort to have their children in church on a regular basis.


TIME: 10:00 AM – 12:00 NOON